Bullying Prevention
PVCICS is committed to providing all students with a safe, respectful learning environment that is free from bullying.
We will treat all members of our community with kindness and respect in an inclusive environment. Any and all acts of bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation are prohibited in our school. The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan has been developed to help school staff and students respond effectively to reports and observations of bullying, and provide a guideline for preventing bullying through education and anti-bullying programs.
Parents/guardians can make a report about bullying via:
hardcopy forms available in the main office (or print the Bullying Incident Form below)
email to info@pvcics.org
phone to 413-582-7040
in person to any staff at the school
Please click below to see the Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan and the form:
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan in the Family Handbook.